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Title: Юрій Андрухович: «Виразно конфуціанський тип»
Other Titles: Yurij Andrukhovich. «Distinctly Confucian type»
Authors: Маланій, Олена Олександрівна
Malanii, Olena O.
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Андрухович Ю. Виразно конфуціанський тип : інтерв'ю з українським письменником Ю. Андруховичем / Ю. Андрухович ; вела О. Маланій // Книголюб : інформаційний журнал. - 2009. - № 3. - С. 18-21. - (укр. та англ. мов.)
Issue Date: 2009
Date of entry: 15-May-2014
Publisher: ТОВ Книготорг
Keywords: моральні цінності
Abstract: Інтерв'ю з відомим українським письменником Ю.Андруховичем про моральні цінності, зацікавлення, сенс життя, мрії, творчість. Yuri Andrukhovych is one of the first modern Ukrainian writers opened and acknowledged in Western Europe. First of all, in Germany where a lot of class translators of his works from Ukrainian to German appeared in the latest decade. Book «Twelve rings» was published by publishing house «Suhrkamp» and it became original «first swallow» due to favourable situation with translations in this country. Mentioned works are translated and published also in French (translator Maria Malanchuk). And the Spanish publishing house «Acantilado» published in Spanish the book of essays of Yuri Andrukhovych «Last territory», and also «My Europe», written along with the Polish writer Andrzej Stasiuk. By the way «My Europe» became the real locomotive of Andrukhovych to the European market. The book is translated to Polish, Ukrainian, Romanian, Hungarian, German, French and Spanish languages. The Spanish translations of two books of Yuri Andrukhovych – novels «Recreations» and «Twelve rings» were published in 2007. A year before the novel «Recreations» was published in Czech in translation of Tomas Vasut. In Hungary, publishing house «Racio» printed his book of essays «Shevchenko is OK» (11 essays written in different years between 1993 and 2002) and publishing house «Kiyarat» published mentioned above «My Europe». Both books were translated by Gabor Korner who already started to work on the next translation – novel «The Moscoviad». The Polish publishing house «Buro Literackie» (Wroclaw) printed the newest book of poems of Andruhovych «Songs for the Dead Rooster». Poems were translated by Bohdan Zadura.
Content type: Article
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