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Title: Concept of Crisis in the Latest Media Information Field
Authors: Kostusiak, Nataliia
Mezhov, Oleksandr
Pryimachok, Oksana
Holoiukh, Larysa
Zdikhovska, Tetiana
Tykha, Larysa
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Kostusiak N., Mezhov O., Pryimachok O., Holoiukh L., Zdikhovska T., Tykha L. Concept of Crisis in the Latest Media Information Field. Ad Alta. 2022. Vol. 12, Iss. 1, Spec. Iss. XХV. P. 287–292.
Journal/Collection: AD ALTA
Issue: 1, Spec. Iss. XХV.
Volume: 12
Issue Date: 2022
Date of entry: 20-Mar-2023
Country (code): CZ
Keywords: Associative field
Emotionally expressive coloring
Extra lingual factors
Mass media
Page range: 287–292.
Abstract: The article systematically characterizes the concept of crisis defines the cognitive, communicative-pragmatic, emotional-expressive load of its verbalization. The concept of the crisis is based on the systematization of a set of knowledge, ideas, associations, etc. Orientation to structural parameters, particularly the branched internal organization represented by various verbal means, allows defining the analyzed object as having a macro conceptual basis. In its structure, there are certain varieties united around the key areas – economics, finance, ecology, migration, medicine, and others. The essence of the concept of crisis has been modified. The means of expressing the crisis concept are identified, characterized by approximately the same frequency of use during the study period. It is confirmed by sentences taken from the newspaper "Den" ("The Day") of the early 21st century. The completeness of the description of the crisis concept was ensured by its description in the temporal and psycholinguistic dimensions. This approach served as a basis for determining the structure of this concept. In the minds of the experiment participants of two age groups, the token crisis evokes somewhat different associations. The common denominator is that a significant number of respondents put critical situations in the country and the world in general in the first place, preferring the most relevant ones during the experiment. Instead, nominations denote a crisis related to family relationships and a person's emotional and psychological state. The data of the associative experiment proved that the crisis issues raised in media journalism are relevant for consumers of information.
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Content type: Article
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