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Title: International economic relations
Authors: Kukharyk, Viktoriia V.
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Kukharyk V. V. International Economic Relations syllabus of a normative academic subject of the training of knowledge 29 «International relations», specialty 292 «International economic relations», educational program «International bussines» / Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Department of International Economic Relations and Project Management. - Lutsk, 2019. - 13 p.
Issue Date: Oct-2019
Date of entry: 18-Dec-2019
Publisher: Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
Keywords: International economic relations
International trade relations
International capital flows
International labor migration
International technology transfer
International monetary and financial relations
International economic integration processes
Abstract: The aim of the subject “International Economic Relations” is to study the basic forms and learn basic categories of international economic relations, to analyze trends in international economic relations, to investigate regulation methods and instruments of different forms of international economic activity at different levels (national, international, global). The main objectives of the study of “International economic relations” are: to study features of formation and development of international economic relations; to understand basic forms, patterns and characteristics of international economic relations in modern conditions; to analyze the regulation system of international economic relations as well as to investigate the specific regulation mechanism of international economic relations; to characterize main features in regulation of various forms of international economic relations through international economic organizations.
Content type: Training program
Appears in Collections:Навчально-методичні матеріали (FMV)

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