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Title: Conflict Studies and Theory of Negotiations
Authors: Карпчук, Наталія Петрівна
Тихомирова, Євгенія Борисівна
Karpchuk, Nataliia P.
Tykhomyrova, Yevheniia B.
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Karpchuk N. P. Conflict Studies and Theory of Negotiations : syllabus of a normative academic subject for training of Bachelors, branch of knowledge 05 «Social and Behavioral Science», specialty 055 «International Relations, Public Communications and Regional Studies», education program «International Relations» / N. P. Karpchuk, Ye. B. Tykhomyrova ; Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Department of International Communications and Political Analysis. - Lutsk, 2018. - 8 p.
Issue Date: 2018
Date of entry: 22-Jan-2019
Publisher: Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
Keywords: конфлікт
конфліктна поведінка
регулювання/розв'язання конфлікту
conflict behaviour
conflict regulation/resolution
Abstract: Summary of the course : subject, functions and structure of Conflict Studies as a scientific field. Institutionalization of Conflict Studies in modern society. The mechanism of conflict. Interpretation of the concept of «conflict», its specificities and peculiarities. Social conflict: the nature and characteristics. The structure of a conflict. General characteristics of conflict behavior, main types and forms of conflict behavior. The main means of conflict prevention and their features. Concepts and criteria for effective conflict management. Conflict resolution and its differences from regulation. Procedures for a Social Conflict Intervention. The theory of negotiations as a branch of scientific research and teaching discipline. The structure of the negotiations. Types of negotiations. Negotiation strategy and tactics. The essence of mediation and its role in the conflict and negotiation process. Problems of typology of conflicts.
Content type: Training program
Appears in Collections:Навчально-методичні матеріали (FMV)

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