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Title: Еволюція наукових бюджетних сентенцій
Other Titles: Evolution of Scientific Fiscal Theories
Authors: Бояр, Андрій Олексійович
Boiar, Andrii O.
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Бояр А. Еволюція наукових бюджетних сентенцій / А. Бояр // Вісник Київського національного торговельно-економічного університету. - 2015. - № 1. - С. 121-138.
Issue Date: 2015
Date of entry: 5-Mar-2018
Publisher: Київський національний торгово-економічний університет
Keywords: бюджет
бюджетний процес
Abstract: Розкривається зміст світових науково-теоретичних розробок, які мають безпосереднє відношення до бюджетного процесу у широкому розумінні. Здійснюється їх загальне хронологічне впорядкування і виділяються характерні риси розвитку. Наголошується на формуванні в рамках теорії суспільних фінансів нової галузі знань – теорії наднаціонального бюджетного процесу.
Background. Globalization that is becoming more significant transforms scientific vision and approaches to studying different economics sectors. Hence the urgency of scientific studies of the dynamics of economic theories is increasing because it makes it possible to identify patterns, trends and evolutionary features of relevant fields of science and thus identify the most promising and interesting areas of scientific research. No exception in this regard is such financial sector of science as public finances.
Analysis of recent researches and publications. Methodologically the paper is based on public finance theory. Evolutionary aspects of budgetary theories have been analysed both by foreign and domestic scientists. Grimmer-Solem (2003), Chuhunov (2003), Vasylyk and Pavliuk (2004), Lysiak (2009) are among them.
The aim of the article is to analyze the dynamics of the global fiscal opinion. Accordingly the task is to identify existing scientific and theoretical developments in budgeting, to reveal their contents, to make a general chronological ordering and highlight the features of the evolution of fiscal theories.
Material and methods. The investigation is based on systematic and structural approach to Financial Science. Such methods of analysis as historical, comparative, content and trend analysis as well as a method of systemic interpolation were applied.
Results. The evolution of theoretical developments concerning fiscal (state) issues originates from the XVIII century and is inextricably linked to the advancement of economic theory in general. A number of budget process issues belongs to other sciences (political science, public administration, law) or is interdisciplinary in nature, thus it very often drops out of sight of economists. This applies in particular to the negotiating process technology, horizontal and vertical distribution of powers between the authorities, procedures and administration of the budget process and so on. However, these issues are interrelated with other aspects of the budget process (structure of income and expenditures, budget use efficiency, etc.) and therefore should be part of a single set of studies.
Conclusion. A characteristic feature of the fiscal theory development in recent decades has been the emergence of scientific developments in the field of budgeting in international (supranational) unions. Thus the new branch of public finance theory seems to emerge – the theory of supranational budgeting. This area of scientific research is very promising, as the supranational budget, which, in addition to the traditional functions of the state budget (income distribution, redistribution of resources and fiscal regulation) may play functions of balancing political interests of the Member States, political and financial stability of unions, generating total macroeconomic effects, etc., the latter is currently unexplored.
Content type: Article
Appears in Collections:Наукові роботи (FMV)

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