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Title: Частиномовна специфіка атрибутивних синтаксем
Authors: Гандзюк, Олександра Михайлівна
Handzyuk, O.M.
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Гандзюк О.М. Частиномовна специфіка атрибутивних синтаксем / О.М. Гандзюк // Ukrajinistika – minulost, přitomnost, budoucnost: sbornik vĕdeckŷch praci. – Brno, 2004.– S.201-209.
Issue Date: 2004
Date of entry: 27-May-2013
Publisher: Brno
Keywords: частина мови
атрибутивна синтаксема
Abstract: The article is devoted to the investigation of the secondary predicative syntaxems and as one of their variants the attributive suntaxems are analised. In the given investigation the part of speech specificity of attributive syntaxems is presented.
Content type: Article
Appears in Collections:Наукові роботи (FFG)

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