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dc.contributor.authorKapranov, Oleksandr-
dc.identifier.citationKapranov O. Self-selection of a university course in psycholinguistics / O. Kapranov // East European Journal of Psycholinguistics / Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University. – Lutsk, 2014. – Issue 1. – P. 45-54.uk_UK
dc.description.abstractThe present article aimed at identifying the university students’ (further referred to as “participants”) self-selection of an optional course in psycholinguistics. The participants’ self-selection of the course was investigated by means of a structured questionnaire concerning their socio-linguistic background and a reflective essay on the topic ‘Why I Chose an Optional Course in Psycholinguistics’. Data analysis of the participants’ essays and the questionnaire revealed a set of variables involved in the students’ self-selection of the optional course in psycholinguistics. Whilst several variables were unique to each individual participant, data analysis indicated that there were recurrentpatterns in the self-selection process. Specifically, the data suggested that the following patterns shared by all the participantsinvolved categories “interest”, “future profession” and other categories respectively.uk_UK
dc.publisherLesya Ukrainka Eastern European National Universityuk_UK
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVolume 1, Number 2;-
dc.subjectoptional courseuk_UK
dc.titleSelf-selection of a university course in psycholinguisticsuk_UK
Розташовується у зібраннях:East European Journal of Psycholinguistics, 2014, Volume 1, Number 2

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