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dc.contributor.authorKarpiuk, Zoia K.-
dc.contributor.authorKhmeliovskyi, Yurii L.-
dc.contributor.authorPavlovska, Tetiana S.-
dc.contributor.authorChyzhevska, Larysa T.-
dc.contributor.authorKacharovskyi, Roman E.-
dc.identifier.citationKarpiuk Z. К., Khmeliovskyi Yu. L., Pavlovska T. S., Chyzhevska L. T., Kacharovskyi R. Y. Socio-geographic research of the transformation of the structure of the settlement system of the Polissya region of Ukraine (on the example of the Rokytne territorial community). Journal of Geology, Geography and Geoecology. 2024. Vol. 33(3). Р. 495–507. DOI : https://doi.org/10.15421/112446uk_UK
dc.description.abstractThe relevance of socio-geographical studies of the transformation of population settlement systems, particularly of disappeared rural settlements at the local level, is due to their very essence as expressions of multifaceted information about the spatio-temporal aspects of the evolution of socio-geosystems, indicators of territory development, essential component of preserving the historical and cultural heritage of the region, and an important resource for the development of the tourism and recreation sphere of territorial communities. The article analyzes the typology of localities, the dynamics of development, quantitative changes in the system of population settlement, particularly the disappeared localities of northern Polissia, as an example of the territory that, according to the modern administrative-territorial division, lies within the boundaries of the Rokytne territorial community of the Rivne Oblast. During the work, the following research methods were used: source analysis – to determine the types of information data and clarify the completeness of their reflection of historical events; systematic approach, comparative-geographical analysis, general historical methods – to reveal the features of the structure of the settlement system of the northern Polissia region, establish the spatial and temporal trends of the territory’s development, find out the former location of localities, the reasons, conditions, and periods of the disappearance of many localities; cartographic – for finding source data, its analysis, and creating a list-catalogue with a cartographic display of lost localities; expeditionary – to obtain actual data. A general algorithm for researching rural settlements lost today at the local level is proposed. The main factors were clarified regarding the periods of disappearance of about 250 localities of various social types due to the destabilization of the situation caused by socio-economic changes, military aggression, deportation and collectivization; their spatial distribution is mapped. The need for further research on the disappeared localities as important indicators of settlement and resettlement processes as well as the development of population resettlement systems in the northern Polissia region and forecasting the future states of socio-geosystems is substantiated.uk_UK
dc.subjectresettlement systemuk_UK
dc.subjectdisappeared localities,uk_UK
dc.subjecttype of localitiesuk_UK
dc.subjectvillage, hamletuk_UK
dc.subjectstockade, colonyuk_UK
dc.subjectborder regionuk_UK
dc.subjectterritorial communityuk_UK
dc.subjectRokytne territorial communityuk_UK
dc.subjectRivne Oblastuk_UK
dc.titleSocio-geographic research of the transformation of the structure of the settlement system of the Polissya region of Ukraine (on the example of the Rokytne territorial community).uk_UK
dc.citation.issue33 (3)-
dc.citation.journalTitleJournal of Geology, Geography and Geoecology-
dc.contributor.affiliationLesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, PhD (Geography), Associate Professor, of Physical Geography of Faculty of Geographyuk_UK
dc.contributor.affiliationTeacher of Geographyof Rokytne lyceum № 3, the head of the tourist and local history group “Berkut” of the Rokytne territorial community of Rivne Oblastuk_UK
dc.contributor.affiliationLesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, PhD (Geography), Associate Professor, of Physical Geography of Faculty of Geographyuk_UK
dc.contributor.affiliationLesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, PhD (Geography), Associate Professor, of Physical Geography of Faculty of Geographyuk_UK
dc.contributor.affiliationLesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, Master of Geography, senior laboratory assistant at the Department of Economic and Social Geography, Faculty of Geographyuk_UK
dc.identifier.orcidhttps://orcid.org/ 0000-0003-4931-0803-
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