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dc.contributor.authorKyuchukov, Hristo-
dc.identifier.citationKyuchukov, H. (2023). Book Review: Stoyanova, J. (2021) Problemi na psiholingvistikata [Problems of Psycholinguistics]. Sofia University Press. East European Journal of Psycholinguistics , 10(2), 196-198. https://doi.org/10.29038/eejpl.2023.10.2.kyiuk_UK
dc.description.abstractJuliana Stojanova’s main scientific interest is the acquisition of Bulgarian as a first language – with an emphasis on the early stages, and this is well shown in her last monograph published in 2021 by the Sofia University Press. The content of the proposed monograph follows the topic of the course in psycholinguistics, which the author offers as a part of the mandatory curriculum of bachelor’s and master’s students in the “Speech Therapy” degree program and as an elective course for bachelors and masters of philology at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. The course has been repeatedly updated to reflect not only the latest developments in psycholinguistics around the world but also the author’s own research in the acquisition of the Bulgarian language. Thus, the monograph turns from a textbook for students and doctoral students in the humanities engaged in the scientific field of psycholinguistics into a guide for all interested in the issues involved. The first part of the book (Chapters 1-3) discusses topics from general psycholinguistics. The second part, dedicated to developmental psycholinguistics (Chapters 4 to 19), describes and analyses the early acquisition of Bulgarian. This part is based on the research of language ontogenesis, which the book’s author has been conducting for about 35 years.uk_UK
dc.publisherLesya Ukrainka Eastern European National Universityuk_UK
dc.titleBook Review. Stoyanova, J. (2021) Problemi na psiholingvistikata [Problems of Psycholinguistics]. Sofia University Pressuk_UK
dc.rights.holder© East European Journal of Psycholinguistics, 2023uk_UK
dc.contributor.affiliationUniversity of Silesia in Katowice, Polanduk_UK
dc.coverage.placenameLesya Ukrainka Eastern European National Universityuk_UK
Розташовується у зібраннях:East European Journal of Psycholinguistics, 2023, Volume 10, Number 2

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