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dc.contributor.authorKostusiak, Nataliia-
dc.contributor.authorNavalna, Maryna-
dc.contributor.authorMezhov, Oleksandr-
dc.contributor.authorLevchenko, Tetiana-
dc.contributor.authorAdamchuk, Nataliya-
dc.contributor.authorLokaichuk, Svitlana-
dc.contributor.authorDruz, Yurii-
dc.contributor.authorBuhaiova, Oksana-
dc.contributor.authorMougel, Daryna-
dc.contributor.authorKushch, Natalia-
dc.identifier.citationKostusiak N., Navalna M., Mezhov O., Levchenko T., Adamchuk N., Lokaichuk S., Druz Yu., Buhaiova O., Mougel D., Kushch N. Explicit and Implicit Representations of Possessively Marked Language Units in Contemporary Ukrainian Mass Media. AD ALTA: Journal of Interdisciplinary Research. 2024. Vol. 14, Issue 1, Spec. Issue XLI. P. 79–86. URL : https://www.magnanimitas.cz/ADALTA/140141/papers/A_13.pdf.uk_UK
dc.description.abstractThe article characterizes explicit and implicit morphological, lexical, and word-forming linguistic means involved in the implementation of invariant possessive content; the classification of these units is supplemented by their analysis in the context of syntax, primary/secondary, stylistic neutrality/emotional coloring. In the plane of leveling the semantics of possessiveness, adjectival and pronominal words subordinated to nouns with an abstract meaning, substantives denoting persons, geographical concepts, objects of general use, etc. are described. Attention is focused on some adjectives that, when they appeared in war-themed publications, gave the texts evaluative, ironic, and mocking shades and at the same time emphasized dynamic changes in the language. The functional potential of the indefinite pronoun чийсь (чиясь, чиєсь, чиїсь) (someone (someone's)) and the interrogative relative чий (whose, (whose), which are in the possessive sphere, have been revealed. It has been found that the meaning of individual belonging of an object to a person or an animal is inherent in the genitive case forms of nouns as condensed means of marking objectivity and possessiveness. In the system of implicit representatives of possessiveness, the substantives that, under the influence of external factors, underwent an expansion of the semantic structure and lost the possessive shade were analyzed. The units endowed with generalized possessive semantics include a small number of verbs that predict the presence of two substantive components – a subject and an object – in order to implement their meaning. In the context of the implicit expression of possessiveness, the formal means of the word-formative level are considered, in particular, the derived adjectives formed by the method of stem formation, and adjectival and noun suffix derivatives that arose on the basis of the contraction of sentences with a possessively marked verbal predicate are characterized.uk_UK
dc.subjectexplicit/implicit means of expressionuk_UK
dc.subjectmorphological categoryuk_UK
dc.subjectstylistic roleuk_UK
dc.subjectemotional coloringuk_UK
dc.titleExplicit and Implicit Representations of Possessively Marked Language Units in Contemporary Ukrainian Mass Mediauk_UK
dc.citation.issue1, Spec. Issue XLI-
dc.citation.journalTitleAD ALTA: Journal of Interdisciplinary Research-
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