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dc.contributor.authorLysіuk, Tatiana V.-
dc.identifier.citationLysіuk T. Open-air museums: prospects for innovative development. Digital Transformations: Challenges and Benefits for the Economy and Society : monograph. Katowice : The University of Technology in Katowice Press, 2023. Part. 3.2. P. 148-153.uk_UK
dc.description.abstractThe article examines Ukrainian skansens as open-air museums of architecture and ethnography that reflect the centuries-old experience of the historical development of the Ukrainian people and represent their spiritual culture. It is determined that skansen museums are an innovative type of museums aimed at reproducing traditional forms of folk life in various fields. The nature of the exposition and the size of the skansen's territory make it possible to have a spectacular element – folk gatherings, celebrations, festivals. That is why such museums are the keepers of national traditions, active participants in tourist and entertainment activities aimed at popularising folk culture and a centre of spiritual revival of the deep traditions of the Ukrainian people. The article reveals the uniqueness of Ukrainian skansen museums as a tourist and recreational resource base that enhances the attractiveness of national cultural, historical and architectural sites, contributes to aesthetic pleasure, informational and emotional saturation of visitors and, of course, comfortable recreational conditions..uk_UK
dc.subjectopen-air museumsuk_UK
dc.subjectskansen museumsuk_UK
dc.titleOpen-air museums: prospects for innovative developmentuk_UK
dc.typeBook Chapteruk_UK
dc.contributor.affiliationVolyn National University named after Lesya Ukrainka, PhD of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Lutsk, Ukraineuk_UK
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