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dc.contributor.authorAntoniuk, Nataliia-
dc.identifier.citationAntoniuk N. Environmental and economic aspects of soil pollution as a result of military actions. UKRAINE INNOVATE: сучасні моделі для відновлення: збірник тез доповідей V Міжнародної мультидисциплінарної науково-практичної конференції (Луцьк, 25 жовтня 2023 р.). / За заг. ред. Павліхи Н.В. Луцьк : Вежа-Друк, 2023. 211 с. С. 169-173.uk_UK
dc.description.abstractThe research conducted within this study has revealed significant changes in the soil condition in the affected areas due to military conflicts. The soil condition assessment was based on analyzing its physical, chemical, and biological properties. The research findings underline the significant impact of hostilities on the environmental state of the soil. The disturbances in soil stability and changes in its physical, chemical, and biological properties have significant consequences for natural ecosystems, agriculture, and the economy as a whole. These results indicate the necessity of taking measures to restore the damaged soil and reduce the negative impact on the environment and the economy. For instance, rehabilitation and soil restoration programs can be developed using environmentally friendly methods such as bioremediation and organic fertilizers. It is also crucial to establish monitoring systems for soil quality and water resources to detect pollution and take measures to mitigate it promptly.uk_UK
dc.publisherЛуцьк: Вежа-Друкuk_UK
dc.subjectsoil pollutionuk_UK
dc.subjectsoil restoration programsuk_UK
dc.subjectlegislative norms and environmental standardsuk_UK
dc.titleEnvironmental and economic aspects of soil pollution as a result of military actionsuk_UK
dc.typeConference Abstractuk_UK
dc.citation.conferenceUKRAINE INNOVATE: сучасні моделі для відновлення-
dc.contributor.affiliationNational Academy of Management, Kyivuk_UK
dc.relation.references1. Antoniuk, N., Litvak, O., Litvak, S., Kovalenko, S., & Shtyk, Y. (2023). Aspectos ecológicos y económicos de la inestabilidad del suelo como resultado de las hostilidades y sus consecuencias jurídicas. REICE: Revista Electrónica De Investigación En Ciencias Económicas, 11(21), 164–185.uk_UK
dc.relation.references2. Gomiero, T., Pimentel, D., Paoletti, M. G. (2011). Environmental impact of different agricultural management practices: Conventional vs. organic agriculture. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, 30(1-2), 95-124.uk_UK
dc.relation.references3. Panagos, P., Borrelli, P., Meusburger, K., Yu, B., Klik, A., Lim, K. J., Yang, J. E., Ni, J., Miao, C., Chattopadhyay, N., et al. (2017). Global rainfall erosivity assessment based on high-temporal resolution rainfall records. Scientific Reports, 7(1), 4175.uk_UK
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