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dc.contributor.authorKostusiak, Nataliia M.-
dc.contributor.authorNavalna, Maryna I.-
dc.contributor.authorSkliarenko, Olesia-
dc.contributor.authorMasytska, Tetiana E.-
dc.contributor.authorSydorenko, Tetiana-
dc.contributor.authorPryimachok, Oksana I.-
dc.contributor.authorHoloiukh, Larysa V.-
dc.identifier.citationKostusiak N., Navalna M., Skliarenko O., Masytska T., Sydorenko T., Pryimachok O., Holoiukh L. Expression of Negation in Media Texts During the Russian-Ukrainian War. AD ALTA: Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, 2023. Vol. 13, Issue 1, Spec. Issue XХХIV. P. 123–131.uk_UK
dc.description.abstractThe article characterizes negation as a generalized linguistic concept of logical-psychological, linguistic-cognitive, and subjective-objective direction. A number of its differential features include the ability to convey negative information about various objects of the environment, situations, actions, processes, states, and properties, usually with an accompanying evaluative and emotional-expressive load. It was found that the media texts of the period of the active phase of the Russian- Ukrainian war present a semantically branched group of linguistic units of different levels, which perform the role of means of explication of negation. It was determined that phraseological and lexical markers mainly represent negation covertly and often acquire a special ironic sound, expressively emphasize the unreasonableness and illogicality of someone's actions, sometimes vulgarize the speech of modern journalism. Emphasis on the word-form realization of the negative content made it possible to distinguish specific (не-, зне-, без-, ні-) and borrowed (анти-, контр-, де-) (anti-, counter, de) prefixes. It was found out that the response of Ukrainians to the challenges of the war was the actualization and production of derivatives with the borrowed service formant де- (de-), which mainly functions in ironically marked expressions. A detailed description of occasionalisms, which testify to the linguistic creativity of the Ukrainian people and contribute to the expressiveness of what is said, enabled the complexity of the research on the means of expressing negation. It is emphasized that the verbalization of negative semantics is related to the morphological layer of the language, in particular, with particles, prepositions, and conjunctions, which play an important linguistic-stylistic role and serve as a vivid rhetorical means.uk_UK
dc.subjectparts of speechuk_UK
dc.subjectlanguage of mass mediauk_UK
dc.subjectrhetoric of public communicationuk_UK
dc.subjectRussian-Ukrainian waruk_UK
dc.subjectUkrainian languageuk_UK
dc.titleExpression of Negation in Media Texts During the Russian-Ukrainian Waruk_UK
dc.citation.issue1, Spec. Issue XХХIV.-
dc.citation.journalTitleAD ALTA-
dc.contributor.affiliationLesya Ukrainka Volyn National Universityuk_UK
dc.contributor.affiliationNational University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraineuk_UK
dc.contributor.affiliationHryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereiaslavuk_UK
dc.contributor.affiliationLesya Ukrainka Volyn National Universityuk_UK
dc.contributor.affiliationState University of Telecommunicationsuk_UK
dc.contributor.affiliationLesya Ukrainka Volyn National Universityuk_UK
dc.contributor.affiliationLesya Ukrainka Volyn National Universityuk_UK
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