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dc.contributor.authorKarpiuk, Zoia-
dc.contributor.authorAntypiuk, Olena-
dc.contributor.authorKacharovskyi, Roman-
dc.identifier.citationKarpiuk Z., Antypiuk O., Kacharovskyi R. Cross-border UTC of Volyn: socio-geographical backgrounds of tourism and recreation development // European Journal of Geography. 2019. Vol. 10, Number 4. Pp: 53-69.uk_UK
dc.description.abstractLocal authorities have been given significant powers, resources, and responsibilities as a result of government reform. Cross-border cooperation is one of the tools for solving the specific economic and social problems of the peripheral border united territorial communities, overcoming their lower level of competitiveness, attracting, implementing and using the best practices of foreign countries in different spheres of public life. Tourism and environmental trends of such cooperation are the main modern priorities. The resource potential of border communities are the following: favorable natural conditions, richness of protected areas, significant historical and cultural heritage, preserved traditional architecture, traditional folk crafts, original customs and rituals are a prerequisite for their development. Taking into account the existing conditions and resources, the article analyzes and substantiates the most appropriate types of tourism and recreational activities of the Western and Northern Volyn border area: recreational tourism for recreation and rehabilitation; ecological, green, agrоtourism, which involve traveling in ecologically clean areas, mainly in rural areas, studying rural life and traditions; pilgrim, religious for searching in the sacred centers of physical and spiritual healing; sentimental – for the purpose of visiting for some reason but not forgotten family places, relatives and acquaintances. Local governments will greatly assist in the development of community development strategies, information support and promotion of available resources.uk_UK
dc.publisherAssociation of European Geographers-
dc.subjectVolyn Oblastuk_UK
dc.subjectcross-border territoryuk_UK
dc.subjectborder regionuk_UK
dc.subjectunited territory communityuk_UK
dc.subjecttourist and recreation resourcesuk_UK
dc.titleCross-border UTC of Volyn: socio-geographical backgrounds of tourism and recreation developmentuk_UK
dc.citation.journalTitleEuropean Journal of Geography-
dc.contributor.affiliationLesya Ukrainka Volyn National Universityuk_UK
dc.contributor.affiliationLesya Ukrainka Volyn National Universityuk_UK
dc.contributor.affiliationLesya Ukrainka Volyn National Universityuk_UK
dc.relation.referencesenAntypiuk, O., Kacharovskyi, R., Chyzhevska, L., Karpiuk, Z. (2019). Historical, cultural, tourist and recreational resources of the border with Belarus territories of the united territorial communities of Volyn Oblast. Mater. IV international. scientific-practical conf. «Fundamental and applied investigations: modern scientific-practical decisions and approaches. Multidisciplinary perspectives», June 27, 2019. Kryvyi Rih: Posvit: 240-242. Atlas of cultural history of Volyn Oblast. (2008). Lutsk: Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University. Belelia, N., Pavlikha, N. (2009). Labor Potential of the Euroregion «Buh»: Features of Formation and Use. Scientific journal of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University. 4: 112-116. Bobrovych, I. (2001). International transport corridors as integrators of cross-border cooperation in the euroregion «Buh». Scientific journal of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn State University. 1: 61-63. Euroregion Buh: Volyn Oblast (1997), ed. B. 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