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dc.contributor.authorКоменда, Ольга Іванівна-
dc.identifier.citationКоменда , О. (2019). УНИВЕРСАЛИЗМ КАК ТИПОЛОГИЧЕСКАЯ ЧЕРТА ТВОРЧЕСКОЙ ЛИЧНОСТИ: МЕТОДОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ ОСНОВЫ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ . ARS INTER CULTURAS, 7(7), 227-248. https://doi.org/10.34858/AIC.7.2018.218uk_UK
dc.description.abstractThe paper substantiates the relevance of the study of universal creative personality in the typological aspect and the need to involve in such study of psychological resources. The author described the main provisions of Alexei Leontiev’s activity theory of personality, because it most meets the needs of this study. The purpose of the paper is to reveal the methodological basis for the study of the universal creative personality. The researcher relies on the statement of A. Leontiev that the real basis of personality forms the system of its activities. Thus, she argues that in the study of the universal creative personality it is necessary to appreciate the development of personality activity, its specific types and forms and connections between them. The researcher chose the leading subject activity as the main criterion for the typology of the universal creative personality. She attracted to study William Stern’s concept of the psychological type and Nina Herasymova-Persydska’s musical type to determine the shape and quality of the universal creative personality. The author described the essence of the proposed typological approach and the conceptual-terminological apparatus of the study. In particular, she identified six simple types of universal creative personality – universal-composer, universal-performer, universal-musicologist, universal-public figure, universal-pedagogue and classical universal. According to O. Komenda, the universal creative personality combines at least three types of activities. The leading activity of musician is marked of large scale, duration, value in the eyes of the artist and his environment, the emergence of new types of activities and the restructuring of creative processes. In conclusion, the researcher described the method of typological analysis of the universal creative personality.uk_UK
dc.publisherAcademia Pomorska w Słupskuuk_UK
dc.subjectуниверсальная творческая личностьuk_UK
dc.subjectтеория личности А. Леонтьеваuk_UK
dc.subjectпсихологический тип В. Штернаuk_UK
dc.subjectмузыкальный тип Н. Герасимовой-Персидскойuk_UK
dc.subjectведущая деятельностьuk_UK
dc.subjectтипологический подходuk_UK
dc.subjectформа типаuk_UK
dc.subjectкачество типаuk_UK
dc.subjectкомплекс простых типов музыкантов-универсаловuk_UK
dc.titleУниверсализм как типологическая черта творческой личности: методологические основы исследованияuk_UK
dc.citation.journalTitleArs inter Culturas-
dc.contributor.affiliationВолинський національний університет імені Лесі Українкиuk_UK
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові роботи (FKiM)

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