Перегляд зібрання за групою - Конференції/заходи
- Problems and tasks of modernity and approaches to their solution 1
- Problems of creating scientific ideas about world development 1
- Progressive research in the modern world 3
- Quality of Life in Interdisciplinary Approach 1
- REBUILD UKRAINE: справа всього цивілізованого світу 58
- Rekreačný šport, zdravie, kvalita života IV. 1
- Research of young scientists: from idea generation to project implementation 1
- Ricerche scientifiche e metodi della loro realizzazione: esperienza mondiale e realtà domestiche 1
- Rozwój nowoczesnej edukacji i nauki – stan, poblemy, perspektywy. 1
- Science and innovation of modern world 1
- Science and society 1
- Science and society: modern trends in a changing world 1
- Science of XXI century: development, main theories and achievements 1
- Science, education, technology and society: problems and prospects 2
- Science, education,innovation: topical issues and modern aspects 1
- Science, innovations and education: problems and prospects 2
- Science, practice and theory 1
- Science, technology, innovation: global trends and regional aspect 1
- Scientific forum: theory and practice of research 1
- Scientific progress: innovations, achievements and prospects 2